Ideology and Justice

Ideology and Justice

Ethics, Politics, &Economics 453a (70453)

W: 1:30-3:20



We will read the assigned materials in roughly this order, although we may not get through a single topic in each class. If time allows, I will assign additional xeroxed supplemental materials.

1. Marx and the Classical Tradition

a. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, “Selected Texts,” in Terry Eagleton, ed, Ideology, pp. 23-30

b. Raymond Williams, “Ideology,” Eagleton, ed., pp. 175-189

2. Historicism and Class Consciousness

a. Georg Lukacs, “History and Class Consciousness,” Eagleton, pp. 31-49

b. Karl Mannheim, “Ideology and Utopia,” Eagleton, pp. 50-68

3. Neutral and Pejorative Conceptions of Ideology

a. Raymond Geuss, “Ideology,” Eagleton, pp. 260-278

b. J.M. Balkin, Cultural Software, Chapters 5-7

4. Althusser and the Construction of Subjects

a. Louis Althusser, “Selected Texts,” Eagleton, pp. 87-111

b. Paul Hirst, “Problems and Advances in the Theory of Ideology,” Eagleton, pp. 112-125

5. Ideology and Cultural Evolution

a. J.M. Balkin, Cultural Software, Chapters 1-4

6. Psychological Theories of Ideology

a. Jon Elster, “Belief, Bias and Ideology,” Eagleton, pp. 238-255

b. J.M. Balkin, Cultural Software, Chapter 8.

7. Cultural and Semiotic Theories of Ideology

b. Roland Barthes, “Myth Today,” Eagleton, pp. 162-172

c. Clifford Geertz, “Ideology as a Cultural System,” Eagleton, pp. 279-294

d. J.M. Balkin, Cultural Software, Chapters 9-11

8. Nietzsche’s Critique of Morality

All selections are from Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality.

a. First Essay, pp. 3-37

b. Second Essay, pp. 38-71

c. Third Essay, pp. 72-128

9. Michel Foucault

All selections are from The Foucault Reader, Paul Rabinow, ed.

a. “Truth and Power,” pp. 51-75

b. “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History,” pp. 76-100

10. Michel Foucault

All selections are from The Foucault Reader, Paul Rabinow, ed.

a. Selections from Discipline and Punish, pp. 170-238

b. Selections from The History of Sexuality, Vol. I and Power/Knowledge, pp. 258-329

11. Feminist Critiques of Equality and Pornography

a. Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified, pp. 32-62, 146-97

12. Scripts and Performance

a. Sharon Marcus, Fighting Bodies, “Fighting Words, A Theory and Politics of Rape Prevention,” in Feminists Theorize the Political, Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott, eds., supplemental materials, pp. 385-403

13. Religious Liberty and Public Education

a. Wisconsin v. Yoder, supplemental materials

b. Mozert v. Hawkins County Board of Education, supplemental materials

c. Stanley Fish, “Mission Impossible: Settling the Just Bounds Between Church and State,” supplemental materials

14. Ideology and the Idea of Universal Human Rights

supplemental materials (to be announced)